A weekend without partying and clubbing? Sounds perfect! The ideal time to let your body and hair repair and to recharge your mind. Would you like to get back to work on Monday and have your colleagues ask if you’ve got a haircut and say you look great? Get round to it: check if you’ve got these ingredients at home and start off your beauty and relaxation spa weekend.
1. DIY: homemade avocado and banana hair mask
This easy-to-make hair mask is brilliant in its working. You can apply it both to your hair and scalp.
There are two ways to make it:
- add your favorite natural oil to the ingredients;
- apply the mask without the oil and let it sit in for 20-40 minutes but then apply a hair oil treatment on the same day and leave it for the whole night or apply it on the next day.
Avocado mask brilliantly reinforces hair and regenerates the scalp, moisturizes, increases shine and lifts hair roots, boosting volume.
Recipe for the hair mask
- half banana
- half avocado
- half teaspoon of natural oil (argan, macadamia, jojoba, etc.)
- 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt
Mix the ingredients well (the fruit should be smashed for a smooth pulp). Apply the mask and keep for around 20-40 minutes (depending on how much time you’ve got), rinse and wash your hair.
2. Repair and relaxing facial homemade mask
Nourishing the skin is another key element of the spa weekend at home. The treatment will nourish your face, restore its nice tone, firm up the skin and wipe off the tiredness.
You can slightly change the way the mask works and adapt it to your skin type by using natural oils. Try adding antiaging argan oil or jojoba oil which soothes and controls sebum. The Aloe juice in the recipe is mostly recommended for problematic skin so feel free to skip it or choose rose water, for example.
Recipe for the face treatment
- half banana
- 1 tablespoon of cocoa
- half teaspoon of aloe juice or rose water
- a few drops of jojoba or argan oil
Mix the components until they turn into a smooth mass. Apply the mask to face and rinse after 15 minutes using lukewarm water. Use your favorite toner or rose water, apply a moisturizer.
3. DIY skin pore clarifying strips
Instead of purchasing store charcoal strips, do equally effective product for purifying the skin pores and blackheads yourself. Before applying them to the skin, a facial steam is a good idea, effectively opening the pores.
How to do a facial steam? Pour a spoon of camomile with boiling water in a bowl and put a towel on the head leaning over the bowl. The towel keeps the steam from escaping and creates the necessary steam room-like environment so the skin pores can open. Once the skin is primed for next steps, it’s time to apply your homemade charcoal strips which are as easy to make as the facial steam.
Beat one egg and spread it over the skin areas covered by blackheads (nose, chin, forehead…). Next, cover up the spots with pieces of tissues or toilet paper (soak them in water around two hours before doing the treatment, squeeze slightly and let them get damp). Beforehand, it’s also a good idea to cut the tissues so they have the right size for the face parts you’re going to clarify.
4. DIY foot bath
It’s always a good idea to care for one’s feet. Whenever you’ve got some spare time, treat them to relaxation so that they don’t give you any pain or worries throughout the week. A bath is a perfect combination of chillout and skin care.
Recipe for a foot bath
Melt down 5-6 spoons of baking soda in a bowl. Enrich it with 2-3 spoons of a natural oil and a few drops of mint or eucalyptus essential oil. Baking soda helps soften the hard skin and all scrapes on heels. It is also an amazing disinfecting agent – everyday baths with baking soda brilliantly reduce the problem of excessively sweaty feet.
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